Our Policies
Quality Assurance Policy
We will continue to measure, examine, and review the effectiveness of our quality management system by, among other things, actively seeking feedback from our clients. Key performance indicators which we use to monitor the quality of our services are:
Value for money
Met defined expectations — on time, on budget
Responsiveness and turnaround time
Create and Internalize the Brief
We will respond to each client’s inquiry with a document that summarizes:
The client’s needs and expectations.
Project targets based on client expectations, including estimated costs and suggested timetable. Where any aspect of the process cannot be estimated with accuracy, we will aim to provide minimum and maximum parameters.
Details of any potential risks to the project. We will strive to recommend solutions to any problems.
Take a Rigorous Approach
We will maintain records of the project brief, our written proposal document, or quote, and all other relevant documents.
We will be accountable to our clients for each step taken in the project.
We will always do our best to maximize value to the client.
We will strive to ensure our records are always up-to-date and accurate.
We will allocate sufficient resources to each project to ensure high-quality service. At all times, at least two team members will be familiar with each project. All current work always will be accessible to other team members in a logical place in the folder structure on Treatment’s Google Drive. Each team member should remain up-to-date on the status of a project and able to take over in the event of another member’s absence.
Check It
Each complete project will be assessed by referencing any relevant checklists and the project brief before the project is delivered to the client.
For projects where most of the production work is done by a single person, a different person will be appointed to review the work with reference to the brief and relevant QA checklists.
The Executive Team is responsible for providing adequate training on these procedures.
Check In
Each client will always be allocated a principal point of contact for a given project. If complaints arise in connection with our services, they may be escalated to the Executive Team.
If based on further research and thinking, additional opportunities and associated costs arise, we will be in close communication to ensure that the client is always aware of our current thoughts and recommendations and any associated cost implications.
Follow Up
Following the completion of a project, we will send out satisfaction surveys
Within 30 days
After 3 months
After 6 month
We will follow up on any answers that could increase our understanding and improve our processes.
Improve Continuously
If, after a product has made it through our QA process, any defect or oversight is discovered (whether organically or via follow up surveys), that defect will be noted and the relevant checklists will be updated. The project manager will be responsible for following up on surveys and consulting with the team on amending the checklists.
Each project will also conclude with a sunset meeting to discuss how we’ve delivered on our four metrics.
Value for money
Met defined expectations — on time, on budget
Responsiveness and turnaround time
We will use these meetings as an opportunity to suggest process adjustments for future projects and present those to the team. The project manager will be responsible for presenting and implementing those changes moving forward.
Be Transparent
This policy is shared publicly on our website.
Data Privacy
While our data privacy policy is not GDPR compliant, we do use the GDPR framework as the basis for our data privacy policy because it provides more stringent requirements than local laws.
The United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act of 1998 describes how organizations must collect, handle and store personal information. These rules apply regardless of whether data is stored electronically, on paper or on other materials. To comply with the law, personal information must be collected and used fairly, stored safely, and not disclosed unlawfully.
The Data Protection Act is underpinned by eight important principles, of which 7 apply to Treatment. These say that personal data must:
Be processed fairly and lawfully
Be obtained only for specific, lawful purposes
Be adequate, relevant and not excessive
Be accurate and kept up to date
Not be held for any longer than necessary
Processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects
Be protected in appropriate ways
Everyone who works for Treatment has some responsibility for ensuring data is collected, stored and handled appropriately. The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for ensuring that we meet our legal obligations.
Client data is saved on secured drives that are only accessible by Treatment employees. Client data is not shared with any third party for any reason, except with the express permission of the client or where required by law. Data collected from clients is typically specific to brand guidelines, marketing strategy, or other information that does not represent any trade secret or tangible company asset of material value.
Treatment does not collect any Non-public Private Information (NPPI) from individuals. Treatment may collect and store financial information from business or independent contractors (such as bank routing and account numbers) for the sole purpose of transmitting payments electronically. This data will be deleted upon completion of any contracts.
Our statement on data privacy is shared publicly on our website.
Social and Environmental Impact
We believe we all have a responsibility to our community, employees, clients, and the environment. This isn’t something we just talk about, it is something we believe. This is about creating long-term impact, about ensuring that we can continue doing what we do for as long as possible. You should be able to see it in everything we do as a company. And if you believe the same as we do, then we will see it in everything you do as an individual.
Treatment has established social and environmental impact objectives that align with our Mission Statement. These objectives support decision-making about company strategy, processes and procedures, purchasing, giving practices, and other aspects of running the business.
These objectives, which are defined as part of annual reporting submitted to the Board of Directors and made available to all employees, are intended to make a positive and meaningful impact in the community. Progress toward and impact of the established objectives, which may be revised periodically, will be measured with specific metrics that adequately reflect the objectives and target outcomes.
Social Impact
Treatment strives to be a force for good. Pricing is established on a sliding scale based on various factors such as employee size, annual revenue, and/or locality as a means of promoting small, independent businesses and businesses owned by underrepresented groups in the greater Spokane area and surrounding regions.
Another goal of the social impact objectives is to assist nonprofit organizations in improving their community outreach by simplifying and enhancing their messaging, updating their websites and/or marketing materials, and other activities that help the organizations reach the members they serve, volunteers, and donors.
Treatment, with input from employees, selects certain community and/or environmental organizations to support with charitable contributions, volunteer time, reduce-priced services, or pro-bono work. As a formal commitment to the community and environment, each fiscal year Treatment donates 5% or more of company revenue (including in-kind donations) to the selected organizations. Organizations receiving cash contributions must be 501(C)(3) nonprofits. In-kind donations can be made to any business or project deemed to be in the common social or environmental good. For example, discounted services to worker cooperative or in-kind help to a discrete community project that may not be under the umbrella of a certified non-profit.
We have aligned our social impact and company giving with the UN Sustainability Goals (SDGs) in an effort to support globally identified priorities. We selected the following SDGs for our focus:
Sustainable cities and communities
Reduced inequality
Good health and wellbeing
These SDGs serve as the first aspect of our internal screening criteria. Organizations that do not address these SDGs may not be eligible for support and will require additional vetting and discussion amongst the Board.
In-kind donations will include services provided at a reduced rate relative to the average rates charged to for-profit clients that account for the top 50% of company revenue. The for-profit rates are based on the current pricing schedule.
Environmental Impact
Treatment is committed to sustaining and improving the environment. All aspects of company operations and services will consider the impact on the environment. This includes a commitment to recycling, waste disposal, and selection of suppliers who minimize their environmental impacts.
Clients will be encouraged to select suppliers — for example, web hosting companies — that are Certified B Corp or have a clearly defined commitment to sustaining and improving the environment.
Treatment maintains a program that ensures all cardboard, paper, plastics, aluminum, and glass are recycled. Recycling receptacles are provided as part of the coworking space where Treatment is located.
Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
All computers and other technology equipment are properly recycled once they have reached the end of their lifecycle. All equipment is properly recycled by a qualified electronics waste vendor to ensure limited risk of environmental damage.
All computer equipment that have the capacity to store data in volume (e.g., user data, files, etc.) will have local storage securely wiped before disposal. If data cannot be wiped, the internal storage system(s) will be manually removed and/or physically destroyed prior to relinquishing custody.
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous wastes are items that pose a health or environmental threat when not disposed of properly. It is illegal to dispose of hazardous waste in the garbage, sewers, or storm drains. Treatment is committed to properly disposing of its waste to protect the environment and public health.
Hazardous waste shall be collected separately and disposed of in accordance with local regulations at our local transfer station. If you have hazardous waste to dispose and are not sure how to properly dispose of it, talk with your manager. Common hazardous waste items that may occur in our offices that will be disposed of responsibly include:
Fats, oil and grease
Fluorescent lights
Mercury thermometers
Solvents & thinners
Used batteries
Used motor oil, filters & anti-freeze
Supplier Purchasing Policy
Treatment has developed this supplier purchasing policy to encourage the purchase and use of materials, products, and services that incorporate environmental, social, community, and performance goals.
Preference will be given to suppliers that meet robust third-party social and environmental certification criteria. Where reasonable, all significant suppliers should meet one or more of the following standards:
Certified B Corporation
Certified Washington Green Business
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified
Energy Star Certified
1% for the Planet Members
Other rigorous and independent third-party certifications will be considered on a case by case basis
When price and quality are equal, preference will also be given to independent, woman, or minority-owned suppliers physically located within 150 miles of Treatment’s location in Spokane, WA.
Treatment actively reduces its need for ongoing consumables. Remaining purchases are evaluated for sustainability, such as paper materials (business cards, printer paper, envelopes, files, etc.) that meet one or more of the following criteria:
At least 50% post-consumer recycled material
At least 50% rapidly renewable materials
At least 50% materials harvested or extracted and processed within 500 miles
At least 50% FSC certified paper products
In addition, Treatment must only procure necessary equipment. Of those necessities, Treatment must encourage the purchase of sustainable durable goods. These include:
Environmentally sustainable, electric-powered equipment, including office equipment, appliances, external power adapters, televisions, and other audio-visual equipment, must be ENERGY STAR certified, when feasible.
Secondhand electronics and equipment will be purchased when possible.
Environmentally preferable or secondhand furniture should be purchased, where feasible.
Treatment must maintain sustainable purchasing that adheres to the criteria above for at least 80% of the total annual purchase of applicable ongoing consumable materials and durable goods, as deemed feasible.
Procedures and Strategies:
Treatment will be responsible for working with vendors to identify environmentally preferable products that meet the needs of the facility and operations.
Transparency and Employee Awareness
The objectives are shared with all employees at the time of hiring and reviewed at least twice annually with employees to create appropriate transparency and ensure all employees are able to effectively incorporate the objectives in their work. In sharing the objectives, appropriate training will be provided to further clarify the intent and how these objectives should be applied.
Impact Reporting
Progress toward Treatment’s social and environmental goals are monitored and formally reported at least annually. The reports will include performance relative to specific performance metrics and will provide insight into Treatment’s progress in achieving the goals.
The report is shared with and reviewed by the Board of Directors each time a report is produced. The Board of Directors provide input into the progress and may help the Executive Team adjust their strategy and/or the approach to meeting the goals.